
The "DESIGN MOVEMENT ON CAMPUS 5.0" this year features 15 schools sharing their renovation experiences under five major themes: exploration, inclusivity, characteristics, participation, and listening. Principal of Taipei Fanghe Experimental High School, and Wu Yu, director of Atelierii, also shared their experiences on the transformation of the campus entrance corridor, known as "Xiao Fang Tang," during the project forum.

DESIGN MOVEMENT ON CAMPUS aims to drive teaching innovation through changes in the learning environment, allowing "educators" and "designers" to guide each other in creating engaging, imaginative, and motivating teaching spaces for students. The Project Presentation - CLASSPLAY: Entering the Aesthetic Exhibition is currently on display at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park - Taiwan Design Museum until November 20. We welcome your visit.




C L A S S   P L A Y
展覽  -  走進・學美

學美.美學5.0成果分享會今年以探究、共融、特色、參與、傾聽五大主題進行15校的改造分享。臺北市芳和實驗中學校長 黃琬茹 女士與乙乙設計總監 吳聿 也在學美.美學5.0 成果分享會中分享「小芳堂」-校園入口穿廊改造的成果經驗。

學美.美學旨在從改變學習環境帶動教學創新讓「教育家」與「設計師」互相引導為學生打造有趣、激發想像、提高學習動機的教學現場。5.0成果分享 - CLASSPLAY走進・學美展覽已於松菸文創園區-台灣設計館公開展出至11月20日,歡迎蒞臨指教。

活動影像紀錄引用與提供單位 :
台灣設計研究院 TDRI

The "DESIGN MOVEMENT ON CAMPUS 5.0" this year features 15 schools sharing their renovation experiences under five major themes: exploration, inclusivity, characteristics, participation, and listening. Principal of Taipei Fanghe Experimental High School, and Wu Yu, director of Atelierii, also shared their experiences on the transformation of the campus entrance corridor, known as "Xiao Fang Tang," during the project forum.

DESIGN MOVEMENT ON CAMPUS aims to drive teaching innovation through changes in the learning environment, allowing "educators" and "designers" to guide each other in creating engaging, imaginative, and motivating teaching spaces for students. The Project Presentation - CLASSPLAY: Entering the Aesthetic Exhibition is currently on display at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park - Taiwan Design Museum until November 20. We welcome your visit.



The "DESIGN MOVEMENT ON CAMPUS 5.0" this year features 15 schools sharing their renovation experiences under five major themes: exploration, inclusivity, characteristics, participation, and listening. Principal of Taipei Fanghe Experimental High School, and Wu Yu, director of Atelierii, also shared their experiences on the transformation of the campus entrance corridor, known as "Xiao Fang Tang," during the project forum.

DESIGN MOVEMENT ON CAMPUS aims to drive teaching innovation through changes in the learning environment, allowing "educators" and "designers" to guide each other in creating engaging, imaginative, and motivating teaching spaces for students. The Project Presentation - CLASSPLAY: Entering the Aesthetic Exhibition is currently on display at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park - Taiwan Design Museum until November 20. We welcome your visit.

