常 閑
Flat  H

位置 : 宜蘭羅東 博愛路
社區 : 天闊
用途 : 單層住宅
常 閑
Flat  H
位置 : 宜蘭羅東 博愛路
社區 : 天闊
用途 : 單層住宅

Photography by Kyle Yu




"勤靡余勞,心有常閑" is a quote from the writings of Tao Yuanming. It roughly translates to Work hard and tirelessly, but keep a peaceful mind. "勤靡余勞" means to work hard and never slack off, "心有常閑" means to keep a peaceful and relaxed mind. These two phrases are complementary and emphasize the importance of both hard work and inner peace.

作為後疫情時期工作感住宅,除滿足單身屋主追求自由不拘的生活感,實務上也納入退休後的適切機能,設計單位與業主設定硬體時也同時想像 WORK FROM HOME,生活與工作該有的空間配比。本案絕佳的視野可在晴朗時遠眺龜山島,大面窗迎北座向讓室內採光均勻;屋主對風格有明確喜好,工業感的樸實揉合清爽簡約但避免過度嬌柔。


As a post-pandemic residence, this home satisfies the lifestyle preferences of single homeowners seeking freedom and independence, while also incorporating appropriate functionality for retirement. In setting up the hardware, we also imagined a WORK FROM HOME scenario, with a space allocation that balances work and life. This project is located in a high-rise building in a new community with excellent views of Turtle Island on clear days. The large north-facing windows provide even lighting throughout the interior. The homeowner has a clear preference for an industrial style with a clean and minimalist visual aesthetic, avoiding excessive softness.

Experience tells us that preferences are intuitive and should not be compromised or obscured.

一反單身宅經常會有過度開放性設計,本案以拉門隔間將原始三房格局修改為包含更衣室的大套房作為男主人居家工作及睡眠的區域。工作上不拖泥帶水,精實又直覺的使用這8hrs & 8hrs是此案規畫重點。此外的8hrs我們分配在其它空間配比,打造居家氛圍的聚會空間。公私區分避免煩心工作事物卻親友來訪時需面臨整理困擾,拉門關上即刻維持絕對私隱。材料設定避免繁複,調性選擇較為純粹而可清晰辨識的材料,局部牆面輔以淺灰色系的消光塗料增添質感變化。主人房刻意內斂映襯出屋主剛硬又細膩的品味取向;全室地板選用溫暖木頭質地搭配低彩度壁面色調,讓日光充斥漫揉於空間為整體調和出獨有的優雅空氣感。

We departed from the typical open design of single residences by using sliding doors to modify the original three-bedroom layout into a large suite with a dressing room as the male homeowner's workspace and sleeping space. The workspace is efficient and distraction-free, with dim lighting and an atmosphere lamp for relaxation during sleep. The focus of this project is on the 8 hours of work and 8 hours of sleep, with the remaining 8 hours allocated to 2/3 of the space for cooking, entertaining guests, and leisure activities. We aim to create a gathering space that feels like home, with clear separation between public and private areas to address the homeowner's concerns about tidying up work items when visitors arrive. We avoid overly complex materials and choose pure and clean materials for the color scheme. The use of light grey matte paint on some walls adds texture and variation, while the master bedroom is deliberately restrained to reflect the homeowner's hard and delicate taste. Warm wood texture is used throughout the entire floor, combined with low chromaticity wall color to allow more sunlight to fill the interior, creating a unique and elegant atmosphere.